Bahnübergang (DB)
Signal-ID: 217 (hex: 0xD9)
Using this signal configuration, the following signals can for example be operated:
- Railway crossing set of lights red yellow
- Railway crossing trackside signal Bü0/1
- Railway crossing trackside signal Bü100/101
- So16 trackside signal DV 301 So16a/b
Terminal assignment
Signal aspects
Basic position
The railway crossing is not secured. Any gates
are opened.
The trackside signal for the traction unit driver shows a round, yellow
retro-reflective area or a yellow continuous light.
Vorleuchtzeit gelb
Pre-lighting time yellow
Railway crossing
pre-lighting time, close gates
The set of lights for road traffic
shows a yellow and then a red light for a few seconds.
Only when the red light switches on can the railway crossing be considered
technically secured, and then the trackside signal will show the signal Bü1 or
Bü101 for the traction unit driver.
After expiry of the pre-lighting time, any gates are closed.
Switches automatically to the signal aspects "Pre-lighting time red", "Close gates" and "Bü1/Bü101/secured".
Vorleuchtzeit rot
Pre-lighting time red
(used internally in the decoder)
Schranken schließen
Close gates
(used internally in the decoder)
Railway crossing
The railway crossing is secured. Any gates are closed.
The set of lights for road traffic shows a red light.
The white flashing light on the trackside signal indicates to the traction unit
driver that the railway crossing is cleared for the train.
So16b Vorleuchtzeit gelb
So16b Pre-lighting time yellow
DV 301 pre-lighting
time, close gates
The set of lights for road traffic shows a yellow
and then a red light for a few seconds.
Only when the red light switches on is the So16a signal shown on the trackside
signal for the traction unit driver.
After expiry of the pre-lighting time, any gates are closed.
Switches automatically to the signal aspect numbers "So16a Pre-lighting time red", "So16a Close gates" and "So16a railway crossing secured".
So16a Vorleuchtzeit rot
So16a Pre-lighting time red
(used internally in the decoder)
So16a Schranken schließen
So16a Close gates
(used internally in the decoder)
DV301 railway crossing secured
The railway crossing is
secured. Any gates are closed.
The set of lights for road traffic shows a red light.
The white light on the trackside signal indicates to the traction unit driver that
the railway crossing is clear for the train.
Schranken öffnen
Open gates
Open gates with red light (optional)
The gates are opened; the set of lights for road traffic still shows the red light.
Information: If the red light should however switch off when the gates are opened, then alternatively you can call up the signal aspect number 1 "Bü0/Bü100/So16b/Basic position".
Switches automatically to the signal aspect number 1 "Bü0/Bü100/So16b/Basic position".