H/V Vorsignal (DB)
Signal-ID: 209 (hex: 0xD1)
Using this signal configuration, the following signals can for example be operated:
- Distant signal
- Distant signal repeater
- Distant signal with additional signal
- Distant signal DV 301
Terminal assignment
Signal aspects
Expect stop
Expect stop with additional signal
Zs3v distant speed display:
This rare signal combination may occur if, for example a single speed display Zs3
is located between the distant signal and the main signal.
Zs2v distant direction display:
Alternative to distant speed display Zs3v, a distant direction display Zs2v can be
Expect proceed with speed limit (40 km/h)
Expect proceed with speed limit, with additional signal
Zs3v distant speed display:
Up to and including 60 km/h, the distant signal Vr2 and the additional signal Zs3v
indicates the numbers 2, 3, 5 or 6.
However, there is no number 4. In practice, usually the number 6 is to be found as
Zs2v distant direction display:
Alternative to distant speed display Zs3v, a distant direction display Zs2v can be
Expect proceed with additional signal
Zs3v distant speed display:
From 70 km/h, the distant signal Vr1 and the additional signal Zs3v indicates the
numbers 7-15.
Zs2v distant direction display:
Alternative to distant speed display Zs3v, a distant direction display Zs2v can be
Expect proceed
Proceed with maximum permitted speed
Dark switching
Light distant signals at the location of light main signals should be switched dark in accordance with service regulations if they do not apply for the set route or if the location light main signal displays Hp0 or Hp00.