All connections of the white z21 (start)
Main Track = Prog Track
Unlike the Z21 that has a separate programming track and main track, these tracks are on one output with the z21.
Main track:
- 3,2 A
- Short circuit detection
- Track voltage = 1 V below supply voltage
Programming track:
- CV programming
- MM programming
2 Rails DCC
DCC Loco-Decoder
- 14/28/128 speed steps
- F0 to F28
- POM read nbsp#write
DCC Turnout- and Signal-Decoder
- Configuration of sophisticated decoder
- 2048 DCC-turnouts
3 Rails MM
MMI and MMII Loco-Decoder
- MMI: Address 1 to 80 and 14 speed steps
- MMII: Addresse 1 to 255 and 28 speed steps
MM Turnout-Decoder
- 255 MM turnouts possible
Please note: The polarity when connecting 3-rail tracks and MM turnout decoders! Some MM turnout decoders must be connected with proper polarity in order to process the MM signal correctly
LED Status
Constant blue - Normal operation
Lit in green - Programming mode
Flashing blue - STOP
Flashing red - Short circuit
Booster BUS
10819 - Z21 DETECTOR X16
Z21 multiMAUS firmware update and language change by using Z21 Maintenance
Blücher GBM16XN
XpressNet™ Interface
GBM FW V1.11.2 or higher
LAN mobile
Connection to the following programmes
Connection to the following programmes